UChefs - Refund policy

Refund Policy

Welcome to UChefs, where culinary enthusiasts and chefs unite to share the joy of cooking. We value your commitment to our community. This Refund Policy outlines the terms and conditions related to subscription refunds on our platform.

1. Subscription Refunds

  • Cooks/Chiefs:
    The admin team at UChefs set the refund policies for the subscribers that make a subscription purchase directly to a chef/cook and decide to request a refund.
  • Subscribers:
    Subscribers can make a request for a refund within 24 hours of the initial purchase.

2. Refund Timeframe

  • Within 24 Hours:
    Subscribers are eligible for a refund if the request is made within 24 hours from the time of the initial subscription purchase.
  • After 24 Hours:
    Refund requests made after the initial 24-hour period will not be processed.

3. How to Request a Refund

  • Subscribers:
    To request a refund within the eligible timeframe, click the refund button on the creators profile, then click request refund and the requested refund will be sent to the admin team where they will process the refund request.

4. Processing Refunds

  • Cooks/Chiefs:
    The admin team are responsible for processing any refund requests that are made within the initial 24 hrs of the purchased subscription.
  • Subscribers:
    Refunds, if approved will be processed in accordance within 24hrs of the purchased subscription. Please allow for processing time, and direct any refund related inquiries to our support team by contacting jackoconnor@u-chefs.com

5. Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute between a chef and a subscriber regarding refunds, UChefs admin team may facilitate communication to reach a resolution. However, the ultimate decision on refunds within the specified timeframe lies with the admin team of UChefs.

6. Changes to Refund Policy

UChefs reserves the right to update and modify this Refund Policy. Users will be notified of significant changes, and continued use of the platform implies acceptance of the updated policy.

7. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Refund Policy, please contact us at jackoconnor@u-chefs.com

Thank you for being a part of the UChefs community.

Happy cooking!

Last Updated: 15/12/2023